Aromatic resin that is burned as incense and used in perfume.
Aromatic resin that is burned as incense and used in perfume.
Aromatic resin that is burned as incense and used in perfume.
Somali Frankincense:
Once a rare and precious commodity used for millennia by many religious shamanistic and secular cultures, Frankincense oil, like myrhh offers many different therapeutic possibilities. Frankincense is legendary in its traditional and sacred uses and its ability to instill deep tranquility of mind making it ideal for medical purposes. Frankincense eases the mind when troubled by thoughts of regret and worries of a mundane kind.
Frankincense and myrrh:
were desired for personal, religious and medicinal use. In a time before daily bathing, people would use the sweet smoke from the resins to make themselves smell better. Egyptian women utilized the ash of frankincense for personal use as well, mixing it into their eye shadow. These substances were also widely used in religious ceremonies and burials. According to the Greek writer, Herodotus, the Egyptians used both frankincense and myrrh in the preparation of animal sacrifices and human mummies. Hebrews and Christians incorporated them into their ceremonies in the third century B.C. and fourth century A.D., respectively. Frankincense and myrrh also had medicinal uses. In the Papyrus Ebers of 1500 B.C., priests recommended both resins for the treatment of wounds. Other ailments they were once reported to cure include hemlock poisoning, leprosy, worms, snakebites, diarrhea, plague, scurvy and even baldness!
is a powerful healer and cleanser of the body, mind and spirit. It also cleanses the environment. Amber draws disease from the body, healing and renewing the nervous system and balancing the right and left parts of the brain. It absorbs pain and negative energy, helping to alleviate stress.
is associated with the crown chakra and is used to cleanse and uplift the auric body and clear energy blockages. It also provides protection and is used for blessings. Allow this sacred smoke to raise your spirit and ease feelings of depression, anxiety, or stagnation. Use it during meditation.